Friday, July 24, 2009

DAy 2

hoho..same day, start off the same way, but change the style of work out, this time is totally focus on the fat burning section, it's diffrent compare to muscle building, M-Building is to do heavy and slowly, u'll feel stiff and tight with your body and for F-Burning it's to do lighter weights but fast, the feeling is like your hand burns and sore.. hmhmhm...prepare to drop your hands off.

workout (FB)
bike 1 set
thigh??(big leg..i duno the spelling)=60

morning= same
Lunch= half bowl rice, more vegie, some beef lungs and chicken dremstick (satu~~)
dinner= bread 6 peices and 2 apple

P.S the whole part of the chicken has the lowest fat is the drumstick and the highest protien is the breast...

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